Advent: Hope / 将临:盼望

Dec 14-15, 2019 Bobby Chaw

Advent, which means "coming" in Latin, is the period leading up to Christmas. It heralds "Jesus is c...

Advent, which means "coming" in Latin, is the period leading up to Christmas. It heralds "Jesus is coming!" In his sermon, Pastor Bobby Chaw explains that Advent is a time of hope and expectation: it began in darkness but ended in light. As John 1:5 says, "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." Listen to this sermon and be encouraged by real testimonies of church members who have experienced the light of Jesus coming to dispel the darkness of their sin and shame, the darkness of sickness and disease, and the darkness of satan's oppression.

将临节(Advent)指的是圣诞来临前的时期。赵仁牧师解释将临期是充满盼望和期待的时候。约翰福音1:5说:“光照在黑暗里,黑暗却不接受光。” 这篇信息有许多教会会友的真实见证——耶稣的光来驱走他们罪恶和羞耻的黑暗、疾病和病症的黑暗以及撒旦压制的黑暗。在你聆听这篇信息时,你必会得着鼓励,同时让耶稣的光来照亮你的世界!


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Dean Wang

this is a great prayer for healing sickness